January Book Club
Book: Tough Broad by Caroline Paul Jan 6th, 2025!! 6:30pm Schmooze; 7 pm discussion Home of Jill Rubin, Victoria Hills
Book: Tough Broad by Caroline Paul Jan 6th, 2025!! 6:30pm Schmooze; 7 pm discussion Home of Jill Rubin, Victoria Hills
Who could use some laughs? Please join us for this funny musical! We plan to get around 20 tickets so let us know asap if you can participate! We have inquired about a group rate so don't know the price yet - but it will be around $60 (less?). https://www.eventticketscenter.com/menopause-the-musical-2-daytona-beach-tickets/1040208/e
Past members, new members - all welcomed! date:Monday, Jan 13, 2025 6pm -8:30pm Place: Temple Israel of DeLand Cost: $10 pp (plus dues) Annual dues - $ will be updated. Soon Plrase join us for dinner, schmoozing, and planning for another wonderful year of comraderie, tzedakah and Tikum Olum!
As we continue to improve our programming and drive membership, the Temple is hosting a "Bring a Friend to Shabbat Dinner", Friday, January 17th @ 5:30 P.M. The main focus for our first Shabbat dinner is to drive new membership to the Temple. There will be 12 couples (24 Temple individuals) that may bring a prospective new member or a…
The Brotherhood is sponsoring a safety class on Sunday, January 19th @ 10:00. A light continental breakfast will be provided. We will have a special guest speaker with an impressive background who will help facilitate the program along with Bruce Haynes, a member of our congregations. Please see flyer attached and sign up to attend