Beautification Goal Total

69% funded
Hey! We've raised $16,594.00 of the $24,000.00 we are trying to raise for this campaign! Donate Now

Run For Their Lives – Oct. 6th #BringThemHome + Brunch

Earl Brown Park - near Sanborn Center 815 S Alabama Ave, DeLand, FL

Although each Sunday morning you can walk to support and bring awareness of the hostages held in Gaza, we invite you, your neighbors and friends to join this movement as we approach the 1 year anniversary of the Tragic day in Israel! (it is a 0.8 mile walk). Then, if you want to, join us at Perkins for breakfast/brunch Date:…


Run For Their Lives, #BringThemHomeNow

Earl Brown Park - near Sanborn Center 815 S Alabama Ave, DeLand, FL is a global grassroots movement to bring (and maintain) awareness to the remaining 101 Hostages still being held in Gaza. Meet at Earl Brown Park near Sanborn Center; park and meet by Pavillion. Wear Red An 18 minute short walk each Sunday until the Hostages are returned home! run4livesflyer113024

TIOD Chanukah Party – Candle Lighting

Temple Israel of DeLand 1001 East New York Ave, DeLand, FL

Calling All Temple Members: Please join us for a festive Chanukah party on Sunday 12/29 from 3-5. Music, games, kid's activities, candle lighting and of course Latkahs and Sufganiyot (Jelly Donuts) $5 per person and children 12 and under are free. Must RSVP for members by Dec.18th; then we open up this event for non-members. All RSVP's must be in…



Temple Israel of DeLand 1001 East New York Ave, DeLand, FL

Please join the membership committee, Sunday, January 5th from 9:30-11:30. We will be providing a light continental breakfast of pastries and coffee. This is an event that we want to hear from you, the congregant.  We want to have engaged discussions of ideas, opportunities and needs that you would like to see as part of our Temple environment. The Strategy…


Book Club: The Other Einstein by Marie Benedict

Date: Monday - January 6th, 2025 Where: Home of Stephanie Brenner- 232 Cypress Hills Way, DeLand 407-489-8534 Time: 6:30 - kibbitz and noshing; 7pm Discussion Please RSVP - if more than 18 people we may have to move to TIOD


Sisterhood Annual Meeting & Dinner

Temple Israel of DeLand 1001 East New York Ave, DeLand, FL

Past members, new members - all welcomed! date:Monday, Jan 13, 2025 6pm -8:30pm Place: Temple Israel of DeLand Cost: $10 pp (plus dues) Annual dues - $36 for TIOD Members; $54 for Non-TIOD Members Please join us for dinner, schmoozing, and planning for another wonderful year of comraderie, tzedakah and Tikun Olum!


Bring a Friend to Shabbat Dinner

Temple Israel of DeLand 1001 East New York Ave, DeLand, FL

As we continue to improve our programming and drive membership, the Temple is hosting a "Bring a Friend to Shabbat Dinner", Friday, January 17th @ 5:30 P.M. The main focus for our first Shabbat dinner is to drive new membership to the Temple.  There will be 12 couples (24 Temple individuals) that may bring a prospective new member or a…


Family Shabbat – January 31st

An interactive Shabbat Service geared to families of pre-school and elementary school age children but fun for all ages! Music, activities and make your own sundaes. Led by Cantor Nina Fine. 6pm- ~ 6:50pm. (Followed by a traditional but shortened adult service at 7pm).


Bat Mitzvah of Jenna Brody – Havdallah Service

Temple Israel of DeLand 1001 East New York Ave, DeLand, FL

TIOD's new adult member, Jenna Broday, will become a Bat Mitzvah on Feb. 1st during a Havdalah service starting at 4pm. Temple and Sisterhood members welcomed. Bat Mitzvah will be followed by an Oneg with some snacks, desserts and beverages. All welcomed but please RSVP


Hamantaschen Pre-Bake Sale

Temple Israel of DeLand 1001 East New York Ave, DeLand, FL

Hi All, Each year we - temple members volunteer to make delicious Hamantashen for Purim. This year we are offering a bake sale prior to Purim. $25 - for 1 dozen $15 for 1/2 dozen when you RSVP - Type your name and the amount of dozen you want by your name - example Stephanie Brenner - 3 dozen Pick…
