Beautification Goal Total

69% funded
Hey! We've raised $16,594.00 of the $24,000.00 we are trying to raise for this campaign! Donate Now

Hamantaschen Pre-Bake Sale

Temple Israel of DeLand 1001 East New York Ave, DeLand

Hi All, Each year we - temple members volunteer to make delicious Hamantashen for Purim. This year we are offering a bake sale prior to Purim. $25 - for 1 dozen $15 for 1/2 dozen when you RSVP - Type your name and the amount of dozen you want by your name - example Stephanie Brenner - 3 dozen Pick…


Open Game Night

Temple Israel 1001 E. New York Ave, DeLand

Open Game Night at TIOD March 1, 2025 Please bring $5.00 to cover costs of snacks (provided by Social Committee) Folks can come and go with their games and any additional finger food as they please: Current list of games: Mexican Train Sequence Five Crowns Decks of Cards Left Right Center Poker Chips Mahjongg Yahtzee Scrabble Also: We need small card…
