Beautification Goal Total

69% funded
Hey! We've raised $16,594.00 of the $24,000.00 we are trying to raise for this campaign! Donate Now

Hamantaschen Pre-Bake Sale

Temple Israel of DeLand 1001 East New York Ave, DeLand

Hi All, Each year we - temple members volunteer to make delicious Hamantashen for Purim. This year we are offering a bake sale prior to Purim. $25 - for 1 dozen $15 for 1/2 dozen when you RSVP - Type your name and the amount of dozen you want by your name - example Stephanie Brenner - 3 dozen Pick…


March Book Club

Home of Max Lesser 103 Heron Point Way, DeLand

Book: Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt Date: Monday, March 3rd Time: 6:30 Kibbitz; 7pm Discussion Home of Max Lesser - address and phone number on the RSVP Please RSVP!! If we have many Sistas participating we may have to relocate to Temple Israel If you live outside the Gardens Max will send you a QR Code to get…
