Beautification Goal Total

69% funded
Hey! We've raised $16,594.00 of the $24,000.00 we are trying to raise for this campaign! Donate Now

17th of Tammuz

Dear Friends — There are exactly three weeks between the Fast Day of the 17th of Tammuz and the Fast Day of Tisha B’Av! It was on today’s date, the 17th of Tammuz in 70 CE, that the Roman Army breached the Walls of Jerusalem. For those of you who have been to the Kotel (The Wailing Wall) — that is what is left of our Glorious Beit HaMikdash! Today, Temple Israel of Deland, celebrating 70 Years, represents our commitment to the continuation of our Golden Heritage. Join me this Shabbat as we join together and give thanks and honor to our 4,000 year old Traditions with prayer, song and camaraderie!